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School & University Digital Signage

We help Public School Districts, We can help yours !

Schools and Universities are using Digital Signage to keep their students and faculty up-to-date with current information and scheduled activities.

Information can be scheduled for display in advance or updated within 15 minutes of an event change.

Cafeteria Menu Boards have a unique requirement that requires them to display different set menus for each day of the week. Digital Signage Solutions makes that easy as the menu can be pre-programmed and automatically displayed for each day of the week.

Areas of use in schools include:

  • Inform students and faculty; about current information and scheduled activities
  • Post daily Announcements or Menu with ability to have different displays for each day of week or time of day
  • Provide emergency alerts and public safety information
  • Show live streaming news from RSS feeds
  • Display location maps and use as wayfinding
  • Show training and safety videos


A few of the current school districts utilizing Our systems.