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How to Use Digital Signage to Market to Millennials

By January 4, 2019No Comments

Most businesses would agree that marketing to millennials has been a distinct challenge. As a result, marketing to millennials has been a recurring topic in marketers’ minds and in marketing meetings during the peak of the digital revolution.

Although many companies today led by “Baby Boomer” executives claim that millennials possess an “entitled” attitude, the fact is that millennials face their own challenges that many companies and older generations do not understand. For example, millennials are the most educated generation, however, they also make up 40 percent of unemployed workers in the U.S.

Digital Signage Strategies

Love them or hate them, the fact is millennials have changed the way companies do business and how they market to consumers. If your company is still struggling to market to millennials, then read on to learn more about how to use digital signage in your marketing strategy.

  • Social Media. Social media is still the most effective and powerful way to reach, target, and connect with younger audiences. Many companies have creatively used social media platforms, such as Instagram and Snapchat to showcase fashion brands and food.Digital menu boards are another example of how restaurants leverage digital signage to not only engage with millennials and enhance their experiences, but also to spark and encourage social media conversations, social interactions and other calls to action. For example, simply integrating social media icons on digital menu boards have effectively inspired users to post photos of their meal choices and even “share” them with their social media audiences and even on in-store digital screens in the restaurant dining room.
  • Content. Content continues to dominate the digital world, and its various formats have proven to effectively help brands connect with millennials. In fact, content has proven to also build rapport with younger generations who value brands that have a clear connection and commitment to the social community, and those that engage in conversations and provide personalized service tailored to millennials’ needs.For example, digital signage is an easy way to showcase your brand’s content, such as imagery and other visual assets and videos in your ad contents in a local restaurant or even during a sporting event in a large stadium or theater.
  • Technology. Using digital signage as a key component in your company’s marketing strategy presents your brand as modern and current, which resonates well with millennials.In fact, one of the best ways to market to millennials is via mobile marketing. The average American spends approximately five hours per day on his or her Smartphone, which represents a huge opportunity for businesses. Although many companies have admitted to going a little too crazy with pop-up ads and PPC advertising, they are getting smarter and fine-tuning their strategies to better reach millennial customers. Some more effective methods include using shorter videos to showcase products and services, and also using a blend of online and offline marketing strategies, such as digital signage.


All in all, businesses that can’t keep up with millennials are clearly missing out on a huge market, and potentially losing millions in lost sales and opportunities. However, by investing in digital signage technology, and making some tweaks to your business’ marketing strategy to focus more on visual content and social media conversations with millennials, your business is more likely to become a brand that millennials know and trust.